Here is the main section! Wahoo! I typically put the most important stuff here like what the site is about, my name, etc.

But there's no rules. Put whatever you want here, like lyrics or more images or anything!

You can also remove the whole table and just use the p tag if you want. I only have a table added to include the image in an easy way.

Also! This template looks/works the exact same in both Chrome AND Firefox which is a first for me! Zooming in or out doesn't break everything too LOL. I actually only made this template on a whim because I was getting bored of my previous index one, but I always love to share so here you go!

This section has autoscroll so you can spam it as much as you want :D!

For examples as to how I've used this theme, click here to go to my site! I'll spam some text so you can see how that looks.

Here is where I added a musicbox, but you can do whatever you like.

Some stats like a visitor counter might look cool here! I personally put a "miniblog", but you can also add like your or something!

This is where I put my cbox (hence the name in the code) as well as some webrings I'm part of! Though really anything can go here... Maybe like a button wall or some stamps!?